Temperature & Humidity Control of Artwork & Papers
No particular humidity and temperature ranges are ideal for all artwork, however, in general, lower temperatures greatly increase their life span. Museum visitors however, usually prefer to be warm!Studies have proven that lowering the relative humidity and temperature will greatly increase the longevity of plastics and other organic materials. Additionally, relative humidity should not have rapid fluctuations. For collections of mixed objects, a consistent humidity between 25% and 65% is recommended. Many museums set their gallery temperatures between 65 and 68 F and humidity at 45%.
Relative Humidity
Inconsistent humidity stresses most materials. Rapid changes in humidity will damage more materials than temperature changes will. Humidity changes can cause warping, cracking, and delamination. Slow seasonal changes are less problematic than sudden dramatic alterations. Humidity above 65% can cause mold growth and metal corrosion; humidity below 25% can make leather and paper brittle and more susceptible to damage.
Try to achieve these humidity levels through humidity control of your room or entire house or building. Please contact us and we’ll help design a humidity control system to protect your valuables.
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