Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Humidity Control For The Colder Months

Tis the time of year again where the humidity battle begins!  You need to carry and maintain a specific RH level for your tobacco or guitars and you have old Mr. Winter breathing down your neck.  It is the most common complaint we receive here at Habitat Monitor, "my humidity is dipping, what can I do?"

It is a tough situation if you do not have the right equipment in place.  First, you need a great humidifier that is right for your space, measurements need to be accurate!  Second, you need to know what type of maintenance you want, do you want to fill the thing every week or let it fill itself?  Third, what type of water are you using?  Water quality is very important when you are using it in a humidifier, if you have crappy water, you will end up with particles and minerals everywhere.  Finally, you need a precise monitoring system that will literally take over control of the environment.  A monitor that will alert you when things are not right, operate the machines you have running in the space and give you highly accurate read outs on temp and humidity levels.

We here are Habitat Monitor have perfected these steps for you in one neat little package called a "set and forget system."  We can take your measurements and give you several options for your space, small room with high humidity? No problem.  Larger area without doors and forced hot air?  Complicated but, we got this!

We are here with the options and precision you require for your investment.

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