Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mice, Cigar Beetles and Fluctuating Temps!

Are you properly prepared for warmer days ahead?  In the spring, bugs hatch, mice and other pests come out of hibernation.

If you do not have a proper humidification system in place to monitor changes and control humid spikes, you could face infestation.
Mice like warm damp areas to breed.  And cigar beetles just love to hatch inside your prized collection.
Tobacco beetles have a life cycle - egg, larva, pupa and adult - that lasts about 10 to 12 weeks total. The female adult can chew its way through paper or tobacco leaf, and finds in cigars a suitably warm environment to lay its eggs, small white ovals that are too small for the human eye to detect. The eggs, up to 100 per birth cycle, hatch within six to 10 days, giving birth to the larvae. The larvae are what actually eat the tobacco to live and grow. 

Guitars will expand their wood and wine storage will start to go in the opposite direction.
Call us or go on-line today to see how you can prevent this.

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