Thursday, February 20, 2014

Guitar Humidification

By far the most common inquiry we have been getting lately is about guitars.  People are starting to understand the importance of having a system in place to protect their investment.  We can help you too.  Take a look at our complete systems and see for yourselves how easy it can be to protect and have it all in one system.  Humidity control, temp monitoring, automatic filling water line, alarm to let you know if something is going on and the security of having our Habitat Monitor keep you right at 45% no matter what is going on outside. 

Please if you have not explored or called to ask us what we can do for your particular set up, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?  You can go buy that cheap piece of plastic hygrometer and humidifier but how reliable will that be when your humidity drops and you cannot figure out what is wrong?  You cannot call China.  You CAN call us, we are here to help trouble shoot and get your back in working order.  Backed by our 1 year full warranty, we will send you out a new unit if yours is malfunctioning, we can take the monitor and recalibrate, clean and replace buttons if necessary.  Check it out and see what you think.


- Washboard texture on top
- Lower action due to a flattened (dropping) top
- Sharp fret ends
- Diminished top or back arch
If your acoustic guitar even has a hint of a rough, corduroy-like appearance, it’s too dry! Get a humidifier – and a hygrometer to monitor it – for your guitar as soon as possible to avoid cracking. Dried out acoustic instruments such as guitars and violins can also split along their sides or seam lines.Click here to see our GUITAR HYGROMETER – HUMIDIFIER SYSTEMS

Proper Acoustic Guitar Care

Without a humidifier and/or dehumidifier, humidity levels in most homes do not stay within the recommended guitar humidity range of 45-55%. So, chances are you need a guitar humidifier and possibly a guitar dehumidifier as well. Your guitar needs the proper humidity level for its wood to keep its shape. If you do not maintain the right humidity for your guitar, severe damage can occur. It is also important to have a guitar hygrometer to accurately determine your humidity levels and control your humidifier and dehumidifier for proper acoustic guitar care.
Click here to see Our Guitar HUMIDIFIER Systems
All systems include a highly precise guitar hygrometer & automatic guitar humidifier. They maintain the perfect humidity level for your guitar to within 2% humidity with very little attention from you.